

Service Oscillator

SO - 110

  • 100MHz Frequency Counter
  • 1MHz Function Generator
  • AM Signal Generator 100KHz ~ 110MHz, FM Signal Generator 10MHz ~ 110MHz
  • Regulated DC Power Supply 0-30V / 1Amp.
Technical Specifications
  • Frequency Range  :  1Hz to 1MHz
  • Functions  :  Sine, Square, Triangular, +ve Pulse, -ve Pulse, Ramp.
  • Output Amplitude  :  30V p-p open ckt for Sine wave and 20V p-p open ckt for all other functions
  • Attenuation  :  0 to 60dB in 2 steps of 20dB each and continuously variable
  • Output Impedance  :  600 ohms for Sine wave and 50 ohms for all other functions
  • DC Offset  :  0 to ± 10V max.
  • Sine wave distortion  :  < 1.5% Pulse
  • Duty Cycle  :  10% to 90%
  • Symmetry ON/OFF  :  In Off mode 50% duty cycle
Signal Generator
  • A.M.  : 100KHz to 110MHz in one synthesized band with coarse and fine steps, keypad & display.
  • Modulation Frequency  :  400Hz / 1KHz switchable
  • Modulation Depth  :  Int. 30%, Ext. Adjustable
  • Output Amplitude  :  200mV p-p at 75W,  Flatness within ± 2 referred to max output at 3MHz, duty terminated
  • F.M.  :  10MHz to 110MHz in synthesized band with coarse and fine steps, keypad  & display.
  • Modulation Frequency  :  400Hz / 1KHz switchable
  • Freq. Deviation  :  Int : 30KHz approx, Ext. : Adjustable 50Hz to 25 KHz
  • Output Amplitude  :  200mV p-p at 75W. Flatness within ± 2dB referred to max output at 30MHz, duty terminated.
  • Attenuation  :  0 to 110dB in 10dB steps and continuously variable.
Frequency Counter
  • Display  :  16x2 Alphanumeric LCD display
  • Freq. Range  :  1Hz to 100MHz
  • Range Selection  :  Hz / KHz / MHz
  • Source Selection  :  Function Generator, External Counter
  • Gate Period  :  0.1Sec & 1Sec.
  • Low Pass Filter  :  For HF noise rejection for low frequency
  • Power Supply  :  Regulated DC Power Supply : 0-30V / 1Amp.
  • Voltage  :  Coarse and Fine Control
  • Load regulation  :  ± 0.1% ± 2mV from no load to full load
  • Ripple  :  < 3mV
  • Current Limit  :  Desired current setting
  • Current Limit LED  :  Indicates when current limit is reached
  • Mains Voltage  :  230V ± 10% at 50Hz



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Programmer Board

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